What An Endicronogist Does Every Day

<P>An endocrinologist diagnoses illnesses like hyperthyroidism, diabetes and growth hormone deficiencies.  Diagnosing and treating endocrine diseases is done through laboratory testing.  In fact, more laboratory testing is used in endocrinology that most other medical specialties.  Extensive knowledge of biochemistry as well as chemical chemistry is required to understand the test results.  Other diseases covered in the field of endocrinology include Addisons disease, hormone deficiencies, thyroiditis, and hypothyroidism.</P> <P> <HR> <P></P> <P><STRONG>RECOMMENDED PROFESSIONALS:</STRONG></P> <P>(Get your business listed here and generate leads 24/7- email <A href="mailto:info@smartguy.com">info@smartguy.com</A>)</P> <P>Consumers... click <A href="http://www.findaprofessional.com/"><STRONG>HERE</STRONG></A> to find a local professional through our friends at FindaProfessional.com</P> <P> <HR> <P></P> <P>The endocrine system is the system of glands in the body that secrete hormones into the bloodstream.  These hormones are used to regulate body functions like tissue function, metabolism, growth and development, and mood.  Organs like the heart, liver, and kidney have secondary endocrine functions.  </P> <P>Endocrine disorders are very common.  They include obesity, thryroidism, and diabetes.  These disorders are characterized by unregulated release of hormones. Endocrine disorders are classified in to three groups.  Hyposecretion leads to hormone deficiencies.  Hypersecretion results in an excess of hormones.  And, glands can develop benign or malignant tumors.  These disorders are complex, and require the attention of a specially trained endocrinologist.  Often, test results can be misleading, indicating a disease when one is not present.  </P> <P>The field of endocrinology also involves caring for and treating patients who are suffering from one of the many diseases.  Most of these diseases are chronic, meaning life-long care is required.  Care for some of the diseases, like diabetes and obesity, requires getting to know the patient on a personal level to determine the best therapeutic procedures.  Endocrinologists are also involved in teaching and medical research.  </P> <P>The field of endocrinology is highly specialized, with additional specialties within the field as well.  Most doctors of endocrinology start as pediatricians, gynecologists, or internists before furthering their education into the fields of endocrinology.  Reproductive endocrinologists deal primarily with fertility and menstrual problems, requiring previous training in obstetrics.  Typical training includes 4 years of college, followed by 4 years of medical school, 3 years of residency, and 2 years of a fellowship.  Professional organizations provide opportunities for continuing education.  </P> <P>Pediatric endocrinology deals with the growth and sexual development of children.  It also deals with endocrine diseases such as diabetes in children.  Pediatric endocrinologists deal with patients from infancy through early adulthood.  The most common disease diagnosed and treated by pediatric endocrinologists is type I diabetes, formerly known as juvenile diabetes.  Type I diabetes typically accounts for over 50% of the practice of pediatric endocrinology.  The next most common is growth hormone treatment.  </P> <P>Neuroendocrinology studies the interactions between endocrine glands and the nervous system.  These systems act together to regulate processes of the body.  For example, the secretion of hormones from the pituitary glands is controlled by the hypothalamus.  Studies and research in neuroendocrinology have had startling results, including that problems with hormones secreted by the thyroid can be associated with schizophrenia and viewing images of foods with high caloric content triggers hunger cravings.  </P> <P>The endocrinologist has to have a working knowledge of many systems in the body.  This specialty is training and research intensive.  The Endocrine Society, founded in 1916, seeks to teach the public more about endocrinology and associated diseases, some of which can be prevented.  The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists is also active in education and advocacy.  Recent advances in the study of endocrinology have resulted in the recent FDA approval of the drug Belviq for the treatment of overweight and obese adults.  It works by working with receptors in the brain that make the patient eat less and feel full sooner.  It has been proven to be safe and effective for patients with diabetes when used along with a reduced calorie diet and exercise.</P>

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