So Why Would You Need A Locksmith at 2 am

Who needs to talk about a locksmith?  Its been a terrific date!  You started out, you and your girlfriend, at In N Out Burger, where you had the Number One No Onion (dont want the bad breath for later), and you two have been cruising the bars for the evening.  Its after two A.M., and everythings shut up tight, including your car, because you just discovered youve locked your keys in it.

Man, NOW what?  You already told her the joke about the dumb guy who locked his keys in his car and had to shatter the window to get his family out.  She didnt seem to find it all that funny.  So what do you do?

Probably what you should do it whip out the cell phone and call your local locksmith.  

You only figured they were around to refit keys, re - key homes that are broken into, and sell you security systems, and youd be right on all of those.  However, along with 911 and the police, the best locksmiths will have a 24 hour security team on duty. 

Most locksmiths keep their best lock - openers and pickers on duty late, because if you live in a large metropolitan area, there will always be late night and early morning business for them.  And most smart ones, with a well - established company, are wise enough to know that the emergency lock-picking moments are emergencies only because they happen after hours.  Thats why they keep professionals around 24/7/365, vans ready and operating at any time. 

And heres another secret: any lock - picker who wants to keep customers will keep his prices down, because he knows nothing creates customer animosity faster than a massive wallet gouging that takes advantage of a man in an emergency.   

Anyway, once youve got that awful evening out of your system, you might want to put them permanently on your phone/computer list, because there are a lot of other locksmithservicesthey can provide for you. 

Theyre great for business security, providing key and re - key services, security and locking systems, alarm systems and sound - sensitive systems (those great gadgets that call the police if theres sound in your building when there shouldnt be, like at two in the morning.)

Those same systems that they give to the big businessman work just as well in your home, and at huge discounts as well, especially if youre a regular customer (because face it, wouldnt a late night rescue like you went through be enough to make you a regular?).

They manufacture safes as well, for home or business, and a locksmiths safe made to your specifications will always be top-drawer, fire - proof, securely sealed and the perfect cubby hole for your valuables.  They can even create massive ones that fasten themselves right into walls and ceilings for incredible security (because who needs a safe a burglar can walk out the door with?).  These are the kind of safes that a load of dynamite wont dislodge, and isnt that the kind you want protecting your stuff? 

So patronize your local locksmith, but make sure hes the best around; you always want the feeling of safety and peace of mind that comes from using the best kind of securityfor your business or home. 

Category: Locksmith