Windows and Doors - How to Replace them

You can easily replace windows and doors using a few do it yourself techniques. Your doors and windows get damaged over time due to various reasons. Damages are unavoidable at times and you should have some basic survival skills in being able to repair these damages. Most window and door designs are usually similar making it easier to change any window with few variations here and there. When it comes to how to replace your window or door, you will need to prepare, do the actual replacement and finish up the job to make the new window or door blend in with the rest of the building design.

First of all, there are various aspects of preparation that you need to carry out. You should measure the various dimensions of the door or window in order to order the replacements from the manufacturer. Ensure that you measure both the height and the width of the door or window replacement parts. There are usually standard sizes for windows and doors. Therefore, if your dimensions fall within the standard categories, it will be easier for you to order the replacement parts. The measurements should be as accurate as possible to avoid ending up with parts that do not fit.

You can order replacement parts from manufacturers who offer the design options that you desire. It is usually advisable to choose window and door replacements that are durable and energy effective. Window replacement materials such as double glazed glass materials, which are energy efficient, have sound proof qualities as well. Find out about the variety of new and improved construction materials that you can access through talking to construction professionals as well as conducting personal research online.

Once you have gotten the replacement doors and windows, you can compare the dimensions with those of your damaged or old doors to know if any adjustments need to be made before making the changes. You may use sand paper to remove any extra materials that makes the replacement window or door bigger than the original. You should collect all your tools and necessary equipment before you start. It is best to have an assistant who can help you since the door may be a bit heavy to lift alone.

Removing the old door or window involves taking down any visible screws that you can see. Some of the screws may be covered by paint. Feel your way around the edges and frame of the entire window to see if there are any screws that you could have missed which are covered by paint. Once you have removed all the screws, you can use a pry bar to remove the window or door from its frame. Do not get rid of any loose parts that you may need later on such as hinges and screws. You may find that the old hinges fasten better than the new ones or you may need an extra screw to two when installing the new windows and doors.

Start by placing the new hinges on the new door. You can now put up the new window or door in place of the old one. You may need someone to stand on the outside of the door to hold it up. If your preparation measures were correct, you can easily set the new door or window in place of the old one. You can try opening or closing the window before finishing to determine whether it is in the right place or not. The finishing involves painting or sealing up cracks to ensure that the new door blends into the structure of the house.