Pet Boarding is a Vacation for Animals

If you love animals, then pet boarding might be a business for you.  Pet boarding services are important to virtually any community because there pet lovers who have frightfully busy schedules and may need to have their pets go somewhere when they have to travel. 

Helping people to understand the strict regulations that make a kennel or boarding business a safe place for animals can make your business the choice of the animal lovers in your area.  Boarding training requirements are strict to make certain that the certified kennels are able to provide the best pet boarding services that they possibly can offer.

Some kennels actually have boarding training requirements for the animals themselves.  Having a pet come in and stay for a day can give the kennel owner an idea of how well the pet will do when in care for the stay that you need.  If a pet is very stressed out or nervous about the stay, then the animal may need some special accommodations to make sure that the stay is bearable for her. Pet boarding should be a good experience for the animals, the kennel owner and the pets family, too.  Usually, the pets get used to being at the kennel if there are many trips there.  They may even beat their owners to the car when going to the kennel.  This is what you want to have for your animal guests that board with you.

Boarding professional associations can also be a way to lend credibility to your business.  Being affiliated with one or more can show that you are interested in being the best service that you can be.  The ASPCA is one organization that may be a good idea to connect with to take advantage of the information that they offer. The International Association of Canine Professionals the IACP is also one that may be important to access depending on what type of kennel that you run. Even Pet Sitters International might be an association worth looking into for your business.  Boarding professional associations can sometimes provide professional development and continuing education about the animals that you board, listings so that potential clients can find your kennel, new information about regulations and trends in the business.  Some organizations have a membership fee and others might be free to join.

Marketing your boarding business can be a key way to gain more customers.  Using social media to connect with people who love and own animals can be a way to engage potential clients.  Offering a Facebook coupon or some other promotions might get people into see your kennel.  Once they see how well you care for their four-legged family members, they will be back on their own.

Some kennels offer feed as a part of the fee and may not discount should the owners bring their own.  If you can offer any small breaks for your customers, they will appreciate the effort and the price break.  Besides, if your fee structure is too high, then no one could afford to travel.

Pet boarding is a fabulous way to spend time with pets and make a good living, as well. Offering a great place for people to leave their pets when they travel can be a rewarding way to earn money.  Being a certified kennel and also being affiliated with any professional associations can help to bring your business credibility, professionalism and even potential customers if the association offers a listing service.  Boarding for pets has regulations and communicating the way your kennel is certified can help your clients understand the expertise that you truly offer to them.