Osteoporosis Get the Facts

Osteoporosis (literally defined as "porous Bone") is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced causing them to become more porous and fragile. This increases the likelihood of fracture.

Unfortunately, there are no symptoms of bone density reduction until the fracture occurs. One of the most common fractures associated with osteoporosis occurs at the hip, spine and wrist. The occurrence of these increases in age for both men and women; however, it is not unavoidable.

The Facts:

  • 1.5 million Americans suffer fractures due to weak bones
  • Half of all women over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture
  • One in five elderly people die within a year of the hip fracture, where one in four become disabled

The Good News:

Osteoporosis is not a natural part of aging, and is now a largely treatable condition. We know that Osteoporosis occurs when bones have less than the optimal amounts of Calcium and other minerals, which make them strong.  It is important to promote healthy bone growth during starting at an early age. This will increase the strength of your skeletal system,  which is essential to overall health and quality of life.

Let's face it, Strong bones support us, are the framework for our muscles, and allow us to move. These bones hold vital minerals that our body needs and protects our heart, lungs, brain and other organs .  It is important to take calcium and minerals daily to maximize the density of your bone structure.

Don't join the over 10 million Americans over the age of 50 likely to have Osteoporosis.  Remember, your body is the vessel that will take you around when you are older.  It is mechanism that will allow you to go visit your kids and grandkids...don't depend on them going to see you!

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