Ink jet vs Tone Based Copier Which is Cheaper

Before copiers came into the limelight, people used manual typewriters, adding machines and carbon paper. At the time people wanted to know the best machine to use to make copies of documents. Now, people would like to know whether to buy an ink jet vs. tone based copier. This question is normally targeted at addressing the issue of which of the two types is cheaper than the other one.

When it comes to copiers, you would be concerned about what to buy with the limited funds you have. You will most likely be predisposed to the idea of purchasing the cheapest copier you can find. In most cases, the cheapest one is an inkjet copier. However, an inkjet copier is only cheap when you are doing the initial purchase. You will realize that the cost of maintaining its operation is much more than the cost of using a tone based copier.

Most color ink-jet copiers cost higher per page. You will realize that fact when the ink runs out and you have to part with almost a quarter of the price of the copier to replace one ink cartridge. In some instances, you will pay more for a full set of cartridges than what you paid initially for the printer itself. Ink jet copiers also develop problems when the nozzles and print heads become clogged. It could take you a while before you realize that the print head is the problem. In the meantime, you could have already gone ahead and bought many ink cartridges.

In contrast, tone based copiers are not affected by prolonged periods of non-use. That only happens when the paper soaks a great deal of moisture. Aside from the fact that tone-based copiers have lower cost per page than inkjet copiers do, they are faster and have print speeds that are more consistent. The page yield of toner cartridges is higher than that of an inkjet copier. This reduces the need to buy emergency cartridges at the most inconvenient time. An apparently empty toner cartridge can still be able to produce images. This can enable you to continue working until you find time to run off to the store for new cartridges.

If you want to know which one is cheaper between ink jet vs. tone based copier, you should also consider the downside to tone based copiers. They use more energy than inkjet copiers do. You will therefore pay more in energy bills and this could raise the cost of the tone-based copier. You will also get low quality of image from a tone-based copier than you would from an inkjet copier. Some tone-based copiers also contain replaceable drum units. You may find this an unnecessary expense. In addition, it will cost you more to replace toner cartridges because of their higher page yield.

Many people that deal with copiers contend that you cannot clearly determine the cheaper option between the inkjet and tone based copier if you do not consider the seemingly inconsequential costs.

The size and brand of the copier that you buy will also determine which one between an ink jet vs. tone based copier is cheaper. Since different manufacturers use different materials and specifications for their copiers, you will find huge differences in the same type of copier from different manufacturers.

You may also use a copier differently from another person. The more you use a copier the more it will wear down and require replacement. If you use the copier for heavy duty jobs, you should be ready to buy more cartridges. This could prove more expensive whichever type of copier you use.

Category: Printing