How You Can Find Out About Available Pharmacist Jobs

Pharmacist jobs have been in the spotlight lately due to the fast growth that the career has enjoyed in the past few years.  Though the sharp demand for pharmacists has eased recently, the expectation is that the field will continue to offer well paid opportunities in the future.  A growth rate of slightly over twenty-five percent is projected for this field until the year 2020.  With the continuing advances in medicine and how medication is delivered, job security seems assured.

As you search for the position that suits you the best, consider the various types of work environments for a pharmacist.  There are opportunities in the retail field, in hospitals and clinical settings, as well as in the mail-order and even corporate sectors. Each setting provides a variety in the tasks that make becoming a pharmacist attractive. The variety and the growth rate are precisely why this has become a popular career choice in recent years.

As noted, a pharmacist job description encompasses much more than meting out pills.  There are organizational and clerical skills needed to run a pharmacy, such as scheduling and ordering. People skills and technical knowledge are also required skills. Depending on the location that you select, more or less of one skill-set may be needed. For example, in a retail environment, you will need to interact with more people than possibly in a clinical setting.  If people provide a distraction for you, seeking a position in a retail pharmacy may not be a match for your skill-set. Using robotic equipment may be something of interest to you.  Robots are used in some busier retail pharmacies and in some research labs for other tasks than just pill counting.

Further, inquiring about how busy a pharmacy is before beginning a position may be recommended, as well.  If the pharmacy is particularly busy, then there may be a need for more pharmacy technicians or an assistant pharmacist to assist with the volume.  In this case, supervisory skills are also advisable, as well as possibly a sense of humor.

Once you have the pharmacist job description in hand, then the next step is to research the pharmacist degree requirements.  The pharmacist degree requirements begin at the undergraduate level with professional study for two years prior to entering a four year Doctor of Pharmacy program.  Once you have completed your studies, exams are required and a one or possibly two year residency is needed.  The residencies, just as for a medical doctor, are designed to provide more specialized training in a clinical area or perhaps a research lab.

Another aspect of the training and education is the state licensing exams and practice hours that are required for licensure. Check out the requirements for your state to understand that process. Plans to add an MBA degree or to add a public health concentration might be appropriate for your career goals.  No matter the path that you choose to follow there are enough pharmacist jobs to complement your skills and your interests.  As you work to complete the educational requirements, you will find out which settings seem to fit them the best.

Finally, pharmacist jobs continue to be a good option to provide a sense of job security in this economy. These jobs can provide a well paid, fast-paced and interesting career choice.  There are pharmacy specialties nearly as varied as in other medical fields. So, finding that research lab position or perhaps becoming a pharmacist in a large hospital or even a small clinic is more to your taste. With the strong growth projections and the consistent advances in medicine this career holds promise for today and in the future.

Category: Pharmacies