How To Become A Copywriter

Theres much more work and expertise needed in learning how to become a copywriter than people realize.   Many envision (thanks to the multiple advertisements for get-rich-writing-ads programs that some writers sell) that the individual just wakes up, takes a long and leisurely day writing a single article for which he/she is paid thousands, and then plans the next European vacation.   

Theres far more in learning how to become a copywriter, since theres not much career advice out there to begin with that wont cost $400 or so a pop (and then it may be a program created by a failed writer who cant sell anything else). 

First of all, it is indeed a career that one can start right away, particularly if theres been any experience in face-to-face selling; there is no substitute for real experience in the world of retail (even if its a part time job while getting a college degree which is another good thing for a career advertiser to have). 

While were on the subject of education, hopefully while that college degree is simmering, the prospective copywriter is learning basic statistics (a huge help in marketing research), classical literature and formal writing (knowing the rules of composition is essential) and basic psychology (one should read, read, read, since one never knows what tidbits can be made into ad copy later).

Speaking of tidbits, theres probably nothing more essential to copywriting as a profession than a basic knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  This is the process of making a website more visible to customers who use a search engine such as Google; embedding key words and phrases in ones ad copy [and phrases are more effective, in sentences such as: A knowledge of SEO is essential in learning how to be a copywriter] makes it more likely that a customer will hit on the website with those phrases when searching.   SEO cannot be overlooked; it is an absolute must-have in terms of creating web copy that sells. </P> <P>Words are the primary tool of web copy that sells, anyway, since they're only real tool the advertiser can work with.  Every winning slogan from melts in your mouth, not in your hand to curiously strong was composed of the right words, set together at the right time and for the right customer.   

To that end, the fledgling copywriter should, whenever he's not out selling his ideas or himself, be creating a copywriting portfolio, since copywriting as a profession demands the same approach that other professions doa willingness to put forth everything (or at least select things) that one has done in that area of expertise. 

Its also essential that a copywriter have his/her own website, and publish the portfolio for everyone to see online.   One should also have a social media presence, which is quite separate from the public one a writer may have had up to now (Facebook is great for publishing photos of the vacation, or even that wild party, but those photos should be taken down if Facebook will become the copywriters professional presence). 

In addition to Facebook, LinkedIn seems to be the media of choice for the business world, and both Facebook and LinkedIn will be excellent places to display a portfolio (which should always lead back to the copywriters website). 

Above all, one should write ad copy, slogans and sayings with strong and simple ideas; these are easy to produce, they are convincing to prospective clients and they are best when they can be extended into other media (can that slogan translate in a viral YouTube video?).

This is scratching the surface only, but these are some of the basic and central ideas about how to become a copywriter.  Its far from simple or easy, but it can be an incredibly rewarding career.