Finding the Best Disaster Recovery Specialist

You never know when a fire, flood, or any other natural disaster might strike; finding the best disaster recovery specialist before you have to deal with these is your best bet.  Typically, disaster assistance will help you create disaster recovery plans.  These companies are able to protect your assets in the case of a man made disaster, such as hazardous material spills, or bio-terrorism as well. Getting help with emergency management could save your company.  The loss of data and IT systems could be the end of your company if you do not plan.  Almost half of companies who undergo a significant data loss do not open and another quarter close within two years of the disaster.  Putting an effort into what might happen can save your company when a disaster does happen.

A bit of research and preparation into finding the best disaster recovery specialist can help them help you.  There are three types of control measures that a professional in disaster assistance can help you put into place. First, are the preventative measures- these are in place to try to prevent a disaster from actually occurring.  Second, are detective measures- these are in place to give you first warning of a disaster to try minimize the damage.  Third, would be corrective measures- they are in place to provide restoration to your systems after the disaster has occurred.  The best type of disaster plan uses all three types of control measures, these control measures also need to be tested on a regular basis.  By running through emergency procedures you, your employees, and company as a whole will be better suited to deal with any situation that might arise.

You also need to take into account which of your business systems you want as part of your disaster recovery plans.  In hiring someone to help with emergency management it will make these decisions easier.  Does your company deal with payroll, data management, or invoice creation? What IT and infrastructure is involved in running these processes?  Using a cost-data analysis will help determine where you should invest in your company's disaster assistance. The cost-data analysis will show exactly how your company will benefit financially from enacting an emergency plan.

Some of the tools a disaster recovery company may use to help with emergency management are onsite and offsite back-ups of data, replication of data again either onsite or offsite, surge protectors, using an uninterrupted power supply, fire prevention systems and anti-virus software.  Some of these measures are to prevent emergencies from occurring, while others are to save data and operations in the event of a disaster.

Finding the best disaster recovery specialist involves finding someone who is going to have the tools, resources, and ability to put together a complete disaster recovery plan for your company.  They will need to structure a program tailored to your company and its need versus a one-size fits all approach.  If they use a one-size fits all approach, they may miss key areas of operation for your company.  Another important deciding factor is to make sure to look at their record of accomplishments especially how they have handled emergencies in the past. They need to have a good survival rate for the companies they have worked with.  The last factor would be the location of the company you wish to work with.  Are you looking for someone who has local resources to help you on the spot, or would your company benefit from a more countrywide company.