Finding a Job in Computer Sales

Computer Sales are a big business in todays world.  Whether purchasing computers in the stores or taking advantage of computer sales online, you can choose the features that you want like, a fast video card for editing and playing movies.  You can also choose the type of computer from tablets to desktops, laptops and even handheld smart phones.  Whatever your choice there are many options to consider before purchasing.  When you go into the store, you may encounter a salesperson.  Have you ever thought about being that person and working in computer sales?

Computer sales jobs require a salesperson to understand the product enough to give people accurate information and assistance.  It helps to have a background or some experience with the computers that you sell.  If you exclusively use Windows-based computers and apply to sell Apple computers, then you may be at a disadvantage because there are some differences between the two platforms.  Some computer sales jobs can be customer service professionals or have a technical part by answering a help desk type of call.  Hardware and software can be specialties for the salesperson.  Finding your dream sales job can be a matter of doing a general search for classified ads or you can go to sites that specialize in the computer industry like Job availability in sales may also be found by building relationships with the other sales people or management because sales is a profession that is all about networking and relationship building.  That way when something becomes available, you are in a good position to secure an interview, at least.

Since technology evolves so quickly, there is a great deal of knowledge to keep up with and as a salesperson any cutting edge information that you may understand can only help you in your job.  Once you are hired in a sales position, often there is training that provides enough technical information for you to work with when speaking with a customer.  Depending on your role in the store you may or may not have responsibility for the really technical information. There may be a technician there to address those types of questions.  In todays fast-paced world the customer is usually pretty savvy about what (s)he wants by the time (s)he visits the store or they are in a fact-finding mode so that they can go home and order the computer online instead. 

Computer sales online probably has changed the way stores see sales in general, but to close a deal in person may be better for the stores health and prosperity than having the online sale.  Sometimes, the fact-finding people wont even use the stores online ordering options, they will go to Amazon or other site to make the purchase as long as they have the information that they need from their visit to you.  So much for a no pressure sales job

Finally, computer sales are always evolving with the advances in technology and the computers becoming more affordable for people.  There is a great deal to the field of computers from programming to repair and Windows and Apple, so there is a need for knowledgeable sales people that can move at the pace of technology while combining sharp salesmanship that keeps people interested in buying from the store and not always online.  It is a complicated and exciting field to be a part of and can offer some fine opportunities.  Finding a job in the computer sales field can be a matter of networking or just searching through classified postings, but look online for some because print ads are not high-tech enough.