Find the Best Tax Accounting and Recordkeeping Service in Lehi UT Itemize Deductions

Are you searching for the Best Tax Accounting and Recordkeeping Service in Lehi, UT? Are you a sole proprietor, small business or homebased business living and working in the community of Lehi. Is recordkeeping a major chore for you to keep track of daily expenses like mileage, business meetings, and other expenditures?

With this goal in mind, and after research, we are pleased to announce our choice.

SmartGuy® 2019 Best Tax Accounting and Recordkeeping Service Lehi, Utah is:

Bob Whitaker
Lehi, UT 84043
(209) 740-9669

Welcome to the World of the Best Tax Accounting and Recordkeeping Service!

Choosing a professional recordkeeping service can be a time-consuming activity, so here are some ideas to consider when searching. 

  • Is the recordkeeping service a part of a professional or credentialed organization, or are they a freelance business? 
  • Is the service a solo operation, or are there employees? 
  • Are the employees bookkeepers, or just information gatherers? 
  • How long as the recordkeeping service been in business? 
  • Does the recordkeeping service have a specialty area that meets your needs, like small business, or direct sales, or tax preparation? 

Having answers to these and other questions should help you make a good choice for selecting a recordkeeping service. 

Because finances tend to be a sticky subject for most business owners, it is important that careful consideration is given to hiring a bookkeeper or recordkeeping service. 

Do It In-house Yourself

The alternative to hiring a recordkeeping service is to purchase software with a professional network that can help you manage and maintain your recordkeeping in-house.

More about TaxPAL™

In the area of tracking business income, expenses, and assets, Bob Whitaker highly recommends the TaxPal™ software system. 

It is straight-forward, keeps accurate records, gives meaningful reports, and is easy-to-use.

Tax-Deduction Recordkeeping System for:

  • Individuals with small or home-based businesses
  • Need to keep their records IRS compliant
  • Identify all expenses needed to maximize their tax deductions

TaxPAL™ is compatible with 

  • communication devices that can access its website or app
  • All Major accounting software programs
  • All Major tax-preparation software programs

TaxPAL™ includes

  • Built-in guidance at every stage - to ensure accuracy of documentation
  • Helpful tips and pointers on every page - to maximize your deductions
  • Ongoing tax-savings education by top experts - to ensure the accuracy of your deductions
  • Immediate access to "Home Business Tax Savings, Made Easy!" - to ensure you have full knowledge

Best Tax Accounting and Recordkeeping Services in Lehi

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