Find the Best Child Care Centers Programs Near Me

Want to find the best child care center programs? Looking for a child care facility near you? Some of the best Child Care Centers put a lot of thought into how they organize their programs to fit the specific needs of the children. Here is a sampling of programs broken down by Age

Age Groups: Activities
6 weeks to 12 months

Each child's activities are designed to suit their particular age. Although there are developmental guidelines for each age group where assumptions can be made regarding the development and learning of a child, the Child Care professional's observations will be driven by referring to these reported milestones, your knowledge of your child, and the interests and abilities of your child. The Child Care Center provides you with information about these "milestones" that may be exhibited by your infant or toddler at least every three months. You will receive a daily activity report every day that your child attends, detailing the behaviors witnessed and discussed in the various areas of development.

He / she will be exposed to a number of sensory stimulating experiences every day that your child is with us, which will enhance their language, mental, physical, and personal growth and development. They are taken outdoors to experience nature to see, feel, touch, and hear what we can see. They enjoy sing-along rhymes from the nursery, play finger and repetitive songs, and introduce new phrases. Their experience is carefully monitored to ensure that your baby is in a safe and comfortable atmosphere that allows them to explore their world in space and materials. Suggested Tuition / $410 a week. No part time or half day programs for this age group

12 months to 24 months

At this age, every three months, parents are presented with their child's daily reports and development guidance. At this point, children love to explore their surroundings and are busy investigating their environment. The room is open to learning, and the teachers are actively involved in daily fun! Every day, the focus is on developing important life skills that each child will need in their early childhood and beyond. For children to start their physical, social, emotional, and academic development, these are very important times. They will foster the growth of the language of each child, art abilities, musical knowledge, fine and gross motor skills, sensory exploration, and much more through developmentally appropriate activities. If they practice their walking, learn to use utensils, stack cups, or line in our "boat," our young folk will bloom this year. We see so much physical growth and are also able to hear the changes! Their receptive language moves from pointing or shaking their heads with the answer to a question to a simple direction and starting to express their language with words.

We also see a greater degree of independence this year. Without aid, they start washing their hands, pick up their toys, and remember where they're going. They decide which book (again) they want to read, and they can even start the early stages of potty training. This is a wonderful time to learn and grow, a time to develop the love of learning for life!

Four to Five Years

Some Child Care Centers have specially designed programs for children who do not meet the age requirement for start of the September 1st school year. It is designed for four-year old and older who have completed a four-year program. Children should have a strong background in phonics and socially prepared for a curriculum that incorporates kindergarten-level skills at a class-specific pace.

Age Group: Daily Schedule

Age 12 – 24 Months

Their daily schedule will consist of 

  • Active play with floor time self-directed activities.
  • Morning Snack - impressing the importance of washing their hands before they eat.
  • Social interaction with songs, hand puppets, and learning games that strengthen their social and emotional skills.
  • They will be broken up into small groups, and some will be allowed to enjoy individual activities.
  • There is a time for music and dance activities.
  • Outdoor activities involve Gross Motor, Buggy Rides that take them on science and nature exploration field trips.
  • Story Time in small groups or one-on-one help to strengthen their language skills.
  • Self-directed activities involve puzzles, manipulates, books and dramatic plays
  • Lunchtime ends the morning activities
  • Nap Time (Story, Lullaby or Classical Music Played Softly)
  • Wash hands for Afternoon Snack
  • Active play in self-directed activities: puzzles, manipulates, books, dramatic play
  • Outside Activity
  • Language Activity - Story Time
  • Active play in self-directed activities: puzzles, manipulates, books, dramatic play

The other age groups follow the same activities with slight variations based on their age.

Age 2 Years Old

  • Physical Activity 
  • Free Play and Exploration and Art
  • Small Group Math/Science
  • Diapering/Potty Time/ Hand washing 

Age 3 Years Old

  • Free Play/Exploration
  • Potty/Diapers
  • Circle Time - Discussion about the Calendar/Weather/Flag
  • Story Time
  • Small Groups/ Rotations
  • Learning Labs
  • Outside Play

If you use these program descriptions, you should find it easier to place your child in a successful child care center near you.