Enabling or Disabling System Properties Access from My Computer

If you want to have more control on your pc and restrict other users from accessing it, disabling System Properties access may be the best solution for you. This will allow you to have exercise greater control on your pc and also ensure that your important applications are not tampered with.

This step can be performed even by those, who do not have extensive computer knowledge. There are two ways of going about this, namely through My Computer of the current user or through the Local machine. Both of these ways will involve the tweaking of the registry settings so it is important to create a back up of your current registry settings before starting off. The registry tweak is a process of changing the default settings of the computer.

When disabling the system properties through My Computer for the current user, you need to follow these few steps:

  • Click on the Start button and go to Run where you should enter regedit
    This will result in bringing up the registry editor. Next, proceed to look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder and expand by clicking on the little cross on the left.
  • Next, expand the Software folder and go to Microsoft folder, which should also be expanded to display Windows folder.
  • Expand Windows folder as well and go to CurrentVersion folder and expand this as well
  •  This will take you to Policies folder, expand this to display the Explorer folder.
  •  As a next step, look for NoPropertiesMyComputer in the right side and double click on it  to display a pop up box and enter 1 here to hide it, else type 0 to display it.
  • After this, you can exit the registry editor window and reboot your pc.
  • If you are not able to see the NoPropertiesMyComputer, you will need to create it. This can be done by right clicking on the right side and then selecting New and then selecting DWORD. Next, proceed to rename this with NoPropertiesMyComputer.

You can also disable system properties access through local machine. To do so,

  • Click on Start, go to Run ,and Enter regedit to display the registry editor window.
  • Next, locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as displayed on the left side of your registry editor window and expand this.
  • Next, go to Software folder and expand this to display Microsoft.
  • Next, go to the Windows folder and expand it to display the CurrentVersion.
  • Expand CurrentVersion and go to Policies.
  • Expand Policies and go to Explorer.
  • If you can find NoPropertiesMyComputer on the right-hand side of the Registry Editor window, go to the next step. If you can’t, you can create this value by following the steps described here:
  • Right click on the Right-hand side panel of the registry editor window and select New
  • Next, select DWORD.
  • Next, rename the new DWORD NoPropertiesMyComputer. Alternatively, you can also right click on the new DWORD value and select Rename option.
  • Next, double click on NoPropertiesMyComputer to display a new pop up box.
  • To hide Properties from all users, enter 1 if, else enter 0 to show Properties to all users.
  • Exit registry editor window and reboot your pc.