Best Ethnic Grocery Stores - Where to Find Them

The greatest advantage of buying from ethnic grocery stores is the fact that you will often save money. With the best ethnic grocery stores, prices can sometimes be as much as  20% to 50% less than what you will find with mass-market competitors. Buying from ethnic grocery stores is also advantageous in that you will get products that you would not find in normal grocery stores. One of the reasons some why people shy away from ethnic grocery stores is the fact that people are fearful about getting carjacked or mugged given that most of these stores are located out-of-the-way. The fact is that these stores are located in neighborhoods that are fairly stable, but if you are still worried, you could ask around. People also shy away from ethnic grocery stores because presentation is not as good as you find in other grocery stores and the selection is not as wide. You should go to an ethnic grocery store with this in mind.

One way of finding the best ethnic grocery stores is getting recommendations from people you know and trust. These could be your friends, relatives, neighbors, or colleagues who frequent such stores. This is a good source of firsthand information and it is also advantageous in that you do not have to pay for the information. You will get reliable information on the quality of the products in the stores as well as other related matters. The major drawback of this option is that you will only be restricted to a few ethnic grocery stores.

You could get tips on the best ethnic grocery stores by befriending a person of the ethnic community or race in question. As an example, a Chinese friend in New York might know of the best Chinese grocery stores in New York.

You could get the best store by doing research on what is being offered vis-a-vis your particular needs. Simply walk into the store and make this enquiry. You could also visit the shop's website for a brief overview of what is on offer. Once on the website, snoop through the comments and the customer testimonials therein for tips on what you can expect.

One of the most effective ways of finding the best ethnic grocery stores is reading independent reviews. Reviews are great because they give you a balanced picture, detailing both the pros and the cons of the stores being reviewed. You could also read posts in such online communities as blogs and discussion forums.

If you do not know where to start, do a simple Google Search. Use the search term ethnic grocery store +CITY. At the top of the page will be a number of grocery stores that fit your search term. This is called Google Places. At the right hand side of the page will be a map of the store. This is a good option because the companies that get a Google Places listing will have been vetted by Google. You will find a brief description of the grocery stores as well as the physical address and the phone number, among other information. The map comes in handy.

Once you have shortlisted several options, visit them to ensure they are offering what they promise. You should also check them against blacklists of such consumer protection agencies as the Better Business Bureau and of the local Chamber of Commerce. You can find the best ethnic grocery stores online. More and more grocers are establishing an online presence to capture even more people. You should, however, pick a grocer who is located near where you live because the greater the distance, the more you will pay in shipping and the greater the risk of the items going bad or getting damaged.