Infrared Roof Leak Scan

An infrared roof leak scan utilizes infrared thermographs to identify thermal anomalies on the roof. This technology makes use of a thermographic camera which accurately identifies the location of leaks in different roof designs. The device is basically used when conducting roof surveys in various residential and commercial properties. A thermal anomaly on your roof prevents it from performing effectively. These anomalies will not manifest internally over a short period of time and they can go unnoticed even go for a number of years. For instance, you could be having a leaking roof in your home but if you do not use the infrared leak scan to evaluate the state of your roof, the problem will never be detected as soon as  is necessary.

Using the infrared scan, you can be able to identify serious issues with your roofing system before they become a financial nightmare. For a start, you can compromise your home's safety if the leaks are not detected and repaired early enough. This happens when mold starts to accumulate on your roof system. This can occur because most roofs are made of various organic components which mold when exposed to excess moisture.

Other than mold growth, using the infrared scanner can also help you to reduce energy expenses. The state of your roof contributes greatly to the quality of insulation you will receive inside the building. If your roof system is unable to offer proper insulation because of leaks, you will need to look for other ways to maintain proper heat and air conditioning in your home. This can end up increasing your energy costs.

Additionally, identifying leaks early enough will help you to maintain the structural integrity of the building. Roof decks are usually made of metallic materials like steel which corrode if exposed to moisture over a long period of time. Other materials like wood which are also used to make roof decks can rot. Both effects will compromise the quality of the building';s structure.

Most importantly, an infrared roof leak scan can help you to decide on whether you need to repair or replace your entire roof system. Most people carry out roofing inspections but they do not use effective and accurate systems. With an infrared scan, you are able to identify the most hard to detect leaks even if your roof system is not showing any symptoms indoors. Homeowners are usually advised to carry out the inspection on a routine basis since waiting for symptoms of leaking indoors can be a very costly mistake.

The infrared scan must be carried out during suitable hours to ensure that the most accurate results are obtained. Most roofing specialists will recommend carrying out the inspection a few hours after sunset. You can be able to conduct a more accurate analysis during daylight hours. Before the scan is conducted, the roofing specialist needs to have the leak history of the roof system together with its size and past uses so as to clearly understand the situation at hand.

The cost of the infrared scan is very little especially if you compare it to the financial expense of fixing a roof system with leaks that have been undetected for a long period of time. For this reason, commercial and residential owners are advised to invest in a proper infrared roof leak scan just to ensure that leaking problems are detected early and corrected. In summary, when you find a roof leak too late, you increase your energy expenses, your roof system is exposed to mold and the structural integrity of the building deteriorates. Roof leaks will damage the interior structure of your building so always be on the lookout.

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