How To Install Flexible Liners For Garden Ponds

Guide books that can teach you how to install flexible liners for garden ponds can be purchased wherever you purchase your garden pond supplies.  Installing the liner is relatively easy and inexpensive.  Follow these simple steps, and you will have you liner installed in no time. 

 Frame the pond
Using a piece of garden hose, make an outline of your pond.  For rectangular or square garden pond liners you can use strings attached to stakes.  For a perfect 90 degree angle, you will need to use a framing square.

Dig out the pond
Dig you pond two inches deeper that your desired pond depth.  Anyplace where you intend to place plants that will grow out of the pond, leave a shelf anywhere between 6 and 18 inches.  Ponds for fish benefit greatly from the presence of plants that release oxygen into the water and filter out contaminants.  Leave the edges of the shelves with a 20 degree angle - perpendicular shelves might collapse.

Level the edge of the pond
Use a level and a straight board to perfectly level the edge of the pond.  If you intend to edge the pond with stones, remove a layer of sod or grass from around the edge so the stones can be evenly set into the soil.

Remove debris from the sides and bottom of the pond
Get rid of any sticks, rocks, or other debris from the bottom of you pond bed.

Line pond bottom with two inches of damp sand
If you are using an inexpensive liner for pond construction, you should consider installing some landscape fabric as well.  The fabric will further protect your liner for pond from piercing from unseen sticks or roots.

Carefully spread the liner over the hole
Garden pond liners need to be carefully molded to the hole my folding any curves or corners and pushing the liner down with your bare feet.

Add water SLOWLY
An important not when learning how to install flexible liners for garden ponds is to make sure the water is added slowly.  This gives ample opportunity to smooth out any wrinkles as the pond fills with water.

Cut away the excess liner
Leave 6 inches of liner material overlap all the way around your pond.  The, secure the liner by covering it with soil and/or paving stones. 

Building ponds for fish is a fantastic way to upgrade and improve your landscaping.  But, before you start adding fish to your bond, you have to make sure that the pond environment is stable.  A stable pond has a water quality that is naturally resistant to changes, allowing plants and wildlife to thrive. 

For your garden fish pond, you are going to need a filtration system to maintain the water quality.  Your system should be able to filter the entire volume of water in the pond in about two hours.  Choose fish carefully, as you don't want some fish out-competing the others for food.  Keeping the water clean is also very important for the health of your fish, especially if you are going to be using Koi. 

For more help, there are several places that you can go to online that can teach how to install flexible liners for garden ponds.  You can also use the shop where you are going to purchase your fish as a resource, as they will be very interested in ensuring the future health and well-being of the fish you purchase.  Garden ponds make for a very relaxing environment, and are a wonderful addition to any backyard landscaping project.

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