Lead Based Paint Protect Yourself from Lead Poisoning

If you have purchased on rented a building that was built before 1978, you need to read this. Lead paint was widely used till the late 1970s, when the government banned the usage of this hazardous element in paints. Lead poisoning can cause damage to the nervous system, complicate pregnancies, and cause chronic pain and inflammation. If you have young children, you need to be even more cautious, because they are often worse affected than adults are.

Disclosure Rules

According to federal laws, the property owner or seller has to disclose the use of lead paint to tenants and buyers. If they have already performed tests for lead through registered testing agencies, they need to show these reports to the buyers. Buyers too are allowed time for getting the tests done on their own initiative. The property owner has to provide a brochure published by the EPA, called Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home.


When dealing with lead paint, this is what you should keep in mind:

  1. Hire a professional who deals with lead paint to remove the lead paint. He must comply with the Pre Renovation and Education Rule when removing the lead paint.
  2. While getting a house with lead paint renovated, move out of the house till the renovation is complete.
  3. Turn off the heat and close the heat ducts to avoid lead dust from accumulating there.
  4. If you have been living in an old house for a long time and have discovered the use of lead paint on the walls, get yourself and other family members tested for lead poisoning.
  5. Make sure that soil samples from around the house are collected and tested for lead.


  1. Don't disturb the painted surface if the paint is in a good condition. Paint that is in good condition poses no health hazards.
  2. Don't disturb more than 15 square feet of lead painted area while remodeling.
  3. Don't do it yourself or hire someone who does not have proper certification and experience of removing lead paint.
  4. Don't use a heat torch beyond 1000 degree F temperature.
  5. Don't use a sandpaper to scrape off the paint. Lead dust can enter small crevices and pores and remain there for a long time.

Lead paint poses no threat when it is in a good condition. However, if you need to renovate and require disturbing the painted area, or the paint is chipping, then you would need to contact a lead professional.

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